Thursday, January 29, 2009

Weathering the storm

A storm is raging at a distance,
ready to strike any moment
In it's womb,
is a great disaster
Yet the storm is at bay,
for the moment
Storms have been raging on for centuries,
yet a few remain unscathed by them
This one is no exception,
it will spare a few lucky ones
To weather the storm,
one needs to know
If your roots run deep
no storm can touch you
Touch it will but
not hurt you
Surround yourself by the Guiding Light
and you would know no storm
Storms are meant to test you, uproot you
till you grow roots deep enough
Weathering the storm is a skill,
developed over centuries
Yet it takes a moment
to get grounded
He listens to your call
and gives you roots
Deep enough to weather
a million storms

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Spare me your sorrows

Spare me the sorrows of your heart
for they mean nothing to me
To connect with your soul is what I need,
nay, what I want
The dredge of centuries
is ready to lose it's grip
Slowly, but surely
leaving it's trusted shores
The volcano inside me is ready to erupt,
spewing forth anger, hatred and lust
I have lost my moorings,
without an anchor to your soul
More than your heart,
I need to connect to your Soul
For Soul is the true reality,
pure and untempered
The voices in the distance are appearing nearer,
nearer than ever before
The voices of God and Peace,
Peace like you have never seen in your life
Trusting my heart will only bring you sorrow,
but Maybe I am wrong
Maybe my heart is tainted,
tainted by the love of worldly desires
May be my Soul is corrupted,
but that's wrong too
For nothing can corrupt the Soul,
not even the greatest Sin
Give me your Love,
for I cherish nothing else so much
Spare me the judgements
of the harsh world
Spare me your litany
of daily drudgery
Just be yourself and Show your love
for I know a great fount flows through your heart
United in Love we stand,
United in Love we are
Love enchained by our judgements
and needs for self-grandeur
Maybe I seek nothing from you,
my heart is what I need to cleanse
I need your help to rid of the dirt,
dirt of a million centuries
When the dirt settles down,
the Sun will shine through
Lighting the world through me,
nay, through the sole reality, Him.