Saturday, February 28, 2009

My heart bleeds for You

My heart bleeds for You,
my Beloved
The Sun rises from the east
yet it doesn't know where to hide today
The birds have forgotten their chirping
and a deathly silence envelops the world
Time has paused,
And so has the wind
Angels are weeping from the heaven above
sending earthlings into disarray
My heart has turned into stone,
unable to love You or anyone else
My heart bleeds for you,
my Beloved

Paradoxical yet real

From the womb of death emerged life,
paradadoxical yet real
She lay writhing,
in a pool of blood
Yet in this macabre spectacle,
lay a nascent life
An angel was born in hell,
paradoxical yet real
The mother lay motionless
unable to see or hear her angel
The killer knew no mercy
for he was hardened by sin
Yet he too couldn't bear
the gruesome site he had created
He took the bloodied dagger in his hand
and drew more blood, this time his own
The angel's face had changed
the beast into a man again
He died a beast
to be reborn a man
Willing to pay for his sins,
paradoxical yet real
She was no angel either,
robbing men of their wealth
And women their shame,
paradoxical yet real
The cycle of death and life continues,
paradoxical yet real
God send angels on this earth
to turn beasts into men
Yet these angels turn into the beast,
paradoxical yet real
The beast and the angel don't exist,
yet they have been fighing for centuries
A fight to win man's mind,
paradoxical yet real

Friday, February 27, 2009

Wounds on display

The humanity is engaged in a display,
wounds on display
We afflict ourselves with wounds,
real or imagined
For we believe
that pain unites us
All I care about is my wounds,
my festering wounds
I am numb to the pain of others,
for they are not caused by my wounds
Or are they?
Each wound sends out a ripple of pain
which engulfs humanity
Trapping it in a cycle
of unending pain
Stop displaying your wounds
and rejoice in God's love
For Love is the greatest healer
ever known to man
The wounds are but a creation
of your imagination
When Love springs forth from your Being,
it wipes out all the wounds forever.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


This world is but an illusion,
an elaborate dream of God
What appears solid
is but an empty sphere of possibilities
What appears mine,
belongs to all
There is but One life
manifested in a zillion entities
To see through the illusion,
one needs to know the One
When one becomes One,
the illusion drops like a veil
Revealing the wondrous secret of Creation,
that leaves you bound to nothing

The Mermaid

Swept away to the shore
by a gushing wind
Soft, tender, untouched,
lay the beautiful mermaid
Untouched by the generations
of evil minded humans
She was pure as the wind,
soft and clear
Yet she lay on the road
for everyone to see
She lay there for no one knows how long
before a child set eyes upon her
A child soft and tender,
just like her
The child had never seen a mermaid,
yet knew the truth
That she was as pure as the water
and the Wind
As she lay there gasping for water,
he brought a bowl of water for her
She didn't need the drop
for she wanted the ocean
Came another gushing wind
and she was swept back to the Ocean
The child grew to be a man
and still remembers the mermaid
He chances upon her now and then
yet no one believes him
It takes a pure heart to see the mermaid,
or God for that matter
For both of them
come only to a pure heart

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Eye of the Devil

Eye of the Devil is watching us
ever so closely
Yet we are unaware of his presence
in our lives
He is subtle in his ways
yet so pervasive
Disguising as an angel
he robs so many of their innocence
It takes a pure heart to detect him,
to uncover his mask
Yet he dare not come near God's men
for they see right through him
He may tempt you in a zillion ways
yet his eyes show no light
To detect him, see deep into his eyes
and you'll see only darkness
In darkness, he was born
and in darkness will he take you
When you sense a presence,
always ask if it is from the Light
For this query can blow their cover,
revealing their dark presence
The Devil and his minions
cannot impersonate Light for long
Be the Light and see the Light
and shed the darkness forever
For the eye of the Devil
cannot cast a shadow on Light