Thursday, April 16, 2009

Washing the pain

Pain of the centuries
doesn't go away in an instant
It simmers for lifetimes
till we learn our lessons
Forgiveness is the key
to lifelong happiness
The enmity of lifetimes
doesn't go away in an instant
It cuts you like a knife for ages
Seeking forgiveness is the key
to healing self
The self inflicted wounds
fester for centuries
Leaving in it's wake
a tattered soul
Soul so afraid to live
that it runs aimlessely
Blinded by false pride
one seeks revenge
When there is but One reality
from whom shall ye seek revenge?
Leave the thought of hurting others
to gain happiness
Conflict can bring only pain
and misery for centuries
The heart needs love
and soul needs rest
Pray for forgiveness
for all sins dissolve in an instant
You are not the doer
unless you identify yourselves as one
You are not the doer
once you identify with the One
For One reverberates in the Universe
the Universe One created

The healing words

Heal me, heal me, heal me
O Lord
Of all the sins I have committed
in all lifetimes
For I know no saviour
but You
You are the giver of life
and yet You destroy it
My life is in Your hands now
treat it as You wish
I can't bear the agony
of seeking revenge from my friends
The ones who betrayed me time and again
pounding me with their hatred
The hatred I created in return
made me blind
For I could not see the seed of love
that lay buried within each of them
I have been wandering for ages
seeking solace from this fire
Yet it grows only stronger
stoked by my ever larger ego
For ego can't rest till it kills,
killing the seed of God
Or that's what it seems
for God can never leave you
He only waits in abeyance
waiting for your heart to flower
Wash away the pain of the centuries
wake up O healing poet from your slumber
The Gift was given to you for a purpose
to heal and not to doubt
For you are One when you write
yet you doubt the One
Your pain is linked to the others
And it dies the moment you wash it with your healing words
Yes, with His healing words you fool
for you and He are One

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

The long walk back home

He was walking a long time
the long walk back home
Back home where he belonged
leaving the sunny shores behind
The beautiful beaches
and the waterfronts
The birds staring at him
as he was lost into nothingness
Seemingly immersed into a deep trance
unaware of the surroundings
Walking, yet not walking
Walking, yet standing still
Standing still like the calm pond
Standing still like a monk in meditation
The walk was endless
just like his journey into nowhere
He was tired,
tired of the long walk back home
Home, where he belonged
in the abode of God