Saturday, August 22, 2009

Soaked in Bliss

Soaked wet in the rain,
yet completely dry
His mercy showering upon me
from the heaven above
Yet I am lost in my own world
oblivious to the Bliss
Wound up in the myriad trappings of life,
the unending stress of the wayward life
Yet the Joy penetrates the calcified heart
making it melt like a river

Friday, August 14, 2009


Hundreds of desires floating in the Universe
yet a few reach me
Not hundreds but millions
not millions but zillions
Not zillians but Guzillions,
all floating in the Universe
Man trapped by desires
becomes their slave
Rather than riding the horse
we tie ourselves to it
And get dragged behind
while it runs at it's own super speed
The key is to master
the art of riding
To be a rider to conquer the desires,
yet getting the thrill of the ride