Wednesday, June 29, 2011

The moment

Seek no more your destiny,
chase no more your dreams.
You have arrived at the Heavenly gates,
where Peace and Joy reside.
To quench your Soul,
you need nothing else.
Just be what you are,
and stay where you are.
You have the power to stretch,
this moment to infinity.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

The Prayer

Make your mind so silent,
that you can listen to your heartbeat.
Make your mind so supple,
that it slips out of ego's hands.
Make wonder your staple diet,
so that you enjoy the beauty each moment
And make your intentions so divine
that each act is a prayer.

Saturday, June 25, 2011


Mercy of the heavens misses no one,
it showers blessings on all
The Grace of the Divine is not partial to anyone,
it blesses one and all.
Yet the mysteries of the Universe,
confound a few
Creating a wonder unbelievable,
birthing a life long search
To unlock the mysteries,
one needs to go deep.
Deep into the recesses of the Soul
where the Divine rests.
Enjoying it's creation
while hiding in His lair.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Joy of the Divine

The fount of heaven is showering Joy upon me,
soothing my soul and quenching my heart's thirst.
The lotus blooms are smiling from heaven,
mimicking the laughter of the Angels
The world is bowing at my feet,
genuflecting in reverence.
The Divine in me is smiling too,
for it is bowing to itself.