Deep deep deep within my soul,
burns a light incessantly
Since the birth of creation,
it fades not and flickers not
The sum of all lights,
yet the only light
The light of creation,
beyond which is no light
The light which engulfs darkness,
within it's tummy
Which pierces the dark matter
into annihilation
Yet which suffers no rage,
nor any burning question
That light is still and stable,
no matter what the tempest outside
It burns and burns and burns,
yet grows and grows and grows
The beginnings of creation are unfathomable,
like the quicksand
You have to get into it to know it
Yet if you go too deep,
you won't come out to tell it to others
Let the light guide you,
to your destinations
It will give you a guided tour
You'll see the light of the volcano,
yet the heat won't singe you
To know is the only answer,
to search is futile
Let the light within you grow
and run your life to the hilt
When the questions die,
the answer emerges
And when the answer comes,
you'll find that there was no question to begin with
As you can't find a wave
in a calm pond
If you are seeing a wave,
there must be agitation within
The day God sleeps,
the creation sleeps too
The day God dreams,
the creation dreams too
The day God wants to have fun,
He let's you guess
Whether he is sleeping or dreaming